This is the process to understanding anything. Of course, in this case I’m focusing on pencak silat.
Study. Train. Practice. Test. Repeat.
Listen, watch, and feel what your guide has to offer. If that guide is a hands on teacher. Great.
If that guide is a static teacher such as a video. Great. (You’ll be missing what can be taught through feel.)
Learn all you can. Watch closely. Listen to what’s being said. Learn to “feel” closely the energy.
Ask questions if possible. Again, listen with your ears, eyes, and body to the answers.
Take notes if that works for you. It has worked for many others.
Stand up. Get off the couch. Move with the material. Begin to push through what you have studied. This is the process of just putting what you’ve seen, felt, and listened to, into your own physical space.
Learn your body.
Feeling where your body binds up.
Feeling where your body is loose.
This can be solo or not. Typically you want both.
Once you feel where your body is bound or loose, clear or confused, begin to repeat movements, processes, techniques, etc. This is called practice.
Put your full intention of all the components of your study and training into your physical space over and over.
Don’t drop details out. It is a mental and physical process. (Jurus-jurus SHOULD be in this physical space.)
Perfect your practice. In that way you are practicing perfectly.
This can be solo or not. Typically you want both.
Begin to push your practice through speed, power, and external stressors. You don’t pass this test until you can keep your physical space, attention, and capability over and over.
Go back and study. Find the depth you missed the first time… or the second time.
Train that depth.
Practice that depth.
Test and test again.
This is the journey.
I will help you on the journey if you do the work of contacting me and seeking it.